Thursday, September 23, 2010

Student Examples Response

So, when first assigned this Visual Literacy Narrative project, I had no idea how to present my idea and topic in a visual format or even fully understand the assignment. There were so many different ways I could do it, but I wasn't sure what the most effective one was for my topic. However, after looking at all the student examples, I realized something very important: I am awful with making videos. I am what can be considered "Technologically Challenged"...Inputting muisic, uploading pictures or videos....Not my thing. But then I saw the collage.

The last student example I saw had a collage by Jordie Newton about her passion for music through the violin. It was a simple collage, not a typical, picture crazed one that one usually things of. It had about 5 pictures on a large sheet of paper, with a certificates, sheet music, and a few other related things attached to it as well. I like it. It was simple, yet told so much. It wasn't cluttered with unnecessary photos of the same thing, but rather, a few photos representing many things. She truly showed the meaning to the phrase "Less is more". We all know that "A picture is worth a thousand words", but, it's hard to really realize that when there are hundreds of pictures expressing everything you want to say... Also, her color choice and layout is simple, and not so complex with random bunches of color everyone. it is also not overloaded with words, which I tend to do...It's enough to make the viewer attracted to the collage, but not too much that it will distract the viewer from the main topic and overall point Jordie wanted them to get. I love how she uses two words: Practice and Success. It tells it all. So simple, yet so powerful...

This whole time I've been thinking that this project had to be elaborate and complex. But from her example, I realized that it can be quite simple, and still have an effect on a viewer- still get one's point across. Simplicity can still be quality. It can still tell my story, and even enhance it. So i don't have to do a movie or something that deals with technology. I can just do a collage, or a children's story book. I can just have simple pages and pictures that tell my story, like Jordie did.

Here is her collage:

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