Friday, December 3, 2010

He's Just Not That Into You: Gigi and Alex Ending Scene Review

One of the concluding love stories in the roamantic comedy, "He's Just Not That Into You", staring the main charcters Gigi, a desperate lover whose goal in the movie is finding her soul mate, played by Ginnifer Goodwin, and Alex, a non-believer in true love who gives Gigi expert advice into a guys mind, played by Justin Long. In this scene, we see the pair finally get together, and Gigi achieving her fairytale ending.

The scene is beautifully done, and is one of the few movies that brings the reprise of an earlier scene in the moive: the pen scene. Alex holds up the pen that Gigi had previously held up to him in the beginning of the movie, beginning their friendship when Alex sees that Gigi needs some advice on how guys operate.

When the slow music plays in the background, leading up to a crecendo at the moment the two kiss, the viewer instantly knew something was going to happen. Music gives a pre-warning to events like that, and we wish music could play in real life to let us know if we would have a happy or sad ending- to give us some sort of heads up. It also sets the mood for the viewer, playing with their emotions as it all leads up to the kiss and the viewer's heart finally takes flight.

Gigi and Alex are the "exception" to the rule of realtionships. With the music playing in the background, the almost rejection to Alex, the kiss that interrupts Gigi's speech, and how it all works out in the end as Alex tells Gigi, "You're my exception," we can all see why the director has it happen this way. It is the cliche moment that every girl wants. However, this scene also shows the idea of how every girl should be when a guy comes crawling back to their door. Gigi, is a role model in this scene, questioning if she should accept Alex, who rejected her before, or stay with the nice, safe, guy she just went out with. Alex then of course does his speech that is every girl's dream to hear from a guy, another cliche in a romance movie, about how he cannot eat, sleep, or just function in general without her, and is actually turning into her. But, Gigi, showing character development, actually thinks about her options for once, instead of jumping straight into it. She is straight up with Alex as she begins to reject him, using all the advice, events, and words he had told her against him. She sees through his speech, thinking these are just false words being said so he can win her, a twist of events for a romance movie- usually the girl falls for these speeches. As she thinks aloud about her options, continuing her refusal, a rarity of a woman's actions these days, he kisses her. Then, just like that, Alex wins, which is another cliche. Although it is a hollywood ending, there is still a statement being said, teaching girls to not just take any guy who comes knocking, but rather, to stand up and use some brain power thinking about what is best for them. Though, it also teaches them to accept any guy who kisses you in the middle of your sentence...rude much? But, if you like cliche romantic endings, you'll like this moive.

While I wanted to gag at this overly done, cheesy scene, most girls, after hearing Alex tell Gigi she is his exception, would say something along the lines of "AWWW! That's a good line. That's a loving, caring, boyfriend, girlfriend, I-Wanna-Be-Serious, line." However, secretly, I enjoyed the scene, feeling my heart flutter and wishing guys in real life would go after a girl, more specifically, me- that guys could actually be that romantic in real life. I don't know how exactly I fell to like the scene. Maybe it was the soft music, the kiss that they whole movie led up to that Alex did in the middle of Gigi's sentence, the speech, or perhaps, the fact that I am a girl and it is just in my nature to like romantic movies, such as this one, that keeps hope alive that there are still some really nice guys out there, and all I have to do is just wait for them to come to me. This moive speaks the truth about how men act, and women respond. I think we could all learn a little something from this moive, open our eyes so that there are less heartbreaks in this world.

And with all this being said, I must admit that all of us women, to some degree, are all Gigis, and that is why we like this movie so much.

Here is the clip I am talking about (I would have posted the video here, but the embeding was diabled, so I could not get the embed code...)

Here are two other super short clips from the movie that I just really like. Enjoy!